You missed out on our pretty sirs Mr. IK and the most famous SUNNY DEOL kind of.They are the one with always poking their noses in between the students knowledge.
They are the new S.O.B. of those called college.also the two stupid females in the department where we get the forms and the train pass.both are bitches who will definitely serve in hell for the hell of a job they dont even bother for.
Plus sirs like Mr. (N.N.) , Mr. Mathews, Mr. Khedkar who are lost in their own world while teaching and they also like Mr. Hairi(oops Bairi)is really a SOB and he is not a HOD for Electronis Branch.Thank god the management came to know about his lack of helpfulness and idiotic behavior. Its good everyone should know about these ass*oles working in a place like shah and anchor.just give the students one day liberty and they will pay a hell out of that.they willl regret the day they joined an institution where they tortured the students to the edge.
MY sincere Hats off to the beloved MADAM CHAMPA for the kind of generosity she shows towards the students.she is awesome and should be made the HOD of electronics branch at least.