I have a hobby of profiling people and what ever little bit I have seen and understood of this man , I would like to write about it .
He is statistically one of the highest paid stars of the Indian Cinema, thanks to our own bollywood but what lies beneath this star can cause a normal man to really think twice about him.
This man , is extremely vulnerable in his thoughts and ideas. He wants fame and fortune at any cost it comes. If fame means you have to wash dishes , he would probably leave his so called loved profession and do that. People say that he innovated himself in a number of roles but has anybody thought that maybe it could have been the need of the hour ( for e.g. Nobody is giving you the roles of a hero and you need a starting point so when somebody says antihero , why not , something is better than nothing ). In his case , luck was on his side. The gamble played off as he had nothing to lose.
Like I pointed out before , professionally he is not focused. He does not do roles to showcase his acting talents which I doubt if he has any. Many people will tend to disagree with me, but again I will ask all of them , if he is so damn good then why is he scared of doing similar kind of roles again which actually enabled him to get a foothold in bollywood. Ultimately everything is about money for him. Now there is nothing wrong in that. Lot of people would kill for money but my question is where does that leave the audience ?.
Unlike some of the acclaimed artists he is basically aimless in his profession . He is not one of the regular stars , who try to improve themselves over time. If the need of the hour demands that you churn out the same old masala entertainment , he would probably do that umpteenth time if he gets good money for that. Now again there is nothing wrong in that also, but my question is what about the audience ?
Personally regarding his acting talents , I dont find him extraordinary or incredible , yes but surely I do find him overacting a lot of times. My personal opinion if given a chance ( or more money rather ) he can beat govinda hands down. To discredit his hit movies completely would be rather rude since a lot of praise goes to his co-stars also.
Being a fan of good Hindi movies from a long time , I would certainly point out that the acting styles of srK have already existed in Indian cinema, from which I think Mr. srK have learnt and COPIED a lot. Since there is nothing wrong with it either , as far as it makes him make more money , he is fully justified in doing that but where does that leave once again the poor audience ?
Rest of the review edited......because of certain reasons.