Shahrukh khan is one of the most popular personailities in the world. People love him from all religions and countries. He does his work very honestly and gives his very best to what ever he does. PeopIe often comapre him with Amitabh bachan, Bib B is also a very good actor, i also like him very much, but I love Shahrukh khan. He is simply the best.
Shahrukh khan is one of the most popular personailities in the world. People love him from all religions and countries. He does his work very honestly and gives his very best to what ever he does. PeopIe often comapre him with Amitabh bachan, Bib B is also a very good actor, i also like him very much, but I love Shahrukh khan. He is simply the best.
Shahrukh khan is one of the most popular personailities in the world. People love him from all religions and countries. He does his work very honestly and gives his very best to what ever he does. PeopIe often comapre him with Amitabh bachan, Bib B is also a very good actor, i also like him very much, but I love Shahrukh khan. He is simply the best.