An Anurag Kashyap movie.had high expectations. Only that it was produced by him, but directed by Bejoy Nambiar. Nevertheless it did have moments of brilliance in direction.
The story is about Kalki(Amy a.k.a Amrita) whose family has shifted to Mumbai from L.A. She meets a K.C. who is another rich spolit son. She then joins his gang of friends, who belive they are enjoying life to the fullest by indulging in drugs and alcohol. One such moment of brashness and drunk driving changes their lives forever. The story ahead is a ride full of fear, confusion, greed, ego, madness, corruption, honesty, an urge to clean the system and finding ones true self. Its no doubt a hell of a ride, with no time to think what will happen next. Rajeev Khandelwal always does well. Kalki, no doubt is an intense actor. The rest of the cast is not as impressive, but they manage to do some justice to their roles.
All in all, a nice watch. Could have been better, but deserves to be mentioned. The best part of the movie.rather two parts were very well done.
The incident that changed their lives. A littlt obscure at first, but very very effective.
The scenes towards the end, where Amy remembers her last moments with her mother. Brings out the unstableness of her mind, which we keep registering throughout the movie but never really think about.