Shantaram is a true story a non fiction which teaches us about the ups and downs of a life
various phases of life dat one goes through. This one is all time favorite book of mine
though its look pretty thick in look almost 900 pages but once you read u get dissloved and
involved in it so much that u dnt feel like keeping the book . It took me almost 20 days to
read the book but each n every chapter teaches you somthing, the way of thinking your views
towards your life changes. The book insipires you to live your life at fullest enjoy and
cherish every moment of your life.
The Book is about how Greogery david roberts a.k.a Shanataram a.k.a Lin who use to be a
revolutionary how he gets addicted to drugs, he loses his loved ones. He also lands up in a
prison. The torcher a criminal has to undergo is described in depth. In fact I was shocked
to read all the facts reg d life in prison. He also gets away with his drug addiction though it was a difficult task but "Where there is a will there is a way". The way Guy falls in love with India n their peoples. It focuses on illegal business which was and is still prevalent in India.
Basically the book is a complete package of mystery, reality, facts.
A must read book.