I was first introduced to sharedgreetings.com after a friend of a friend had won a few items there.
You see, sharedgreetings.com is an electronic card site. You can send cards for basically any event coming up. You have cards from grandparents day, to relaxation day, to walk your houseplants day. Yes there really is a Walk Your House Plants day card.
With each card, you can also select a prize that you want to send. When you send the card, and the reciever of the card picks it up, you are both now entered into a drawing for the prize you selected. A few of the current prizes they are offering is a digital camera, an I-book, a necklace and a fruit basket, just to name a few.
At first I was a bit skeptical, I really didnt think anyone won. Then one day, I got the email from them saying I had won. Me and another friend I had sent cards to both won a $25.00 (USD) gift certificate to Amazon.com.
They offer an address book, so that you can send your card & prize entry to multiple people at once. But you are only limited to 10 prize entries per prize per day. So dont go there thinking you can send 50 cards one day for the same prize and you will get 50 entries that day, it wont happen. They will only allow 10 entries.
So next time you need to send a card, check out sharedgreetings.com and who knows, maybe you can be their next winner.