Shareit is the best file sharing app for android device. It is very easy to use. All we need to do is to press SEND or RECEIVE to perform a task. Shareit has lots of options like pc connection, my share zone, messaging while sharing files etc. It is well designed and looks good and more simple to use.
The problem in android device is, anyone cannot send installed apps to other mobile. It is made possible with the help of the app SHAREit.
It is very usefull to share files from pc to mobile and pc to pc without any cable anywhere any time.
How it works? If we want to send a file we just need to open the app and press send and it shows many types of files classified by itselfe like, videos, photos, music etc. To receive a file then we just click on receive button and thats all we done to receive file from sender.
It is very simple and free to use. It helps to not carry data cable to share files to pc or laptop. It helps to share files faster. Almost all android device support this software. It is safe and very usefull app.