After using share khan online trading software i am very much satisfied with this product. The main reason for the satisfaction is that we can use this software with much comfort using tata usb plug to surf internet connection. The speed of tata usb is very less compared to 2 mbps speed which is offered by bsnl, but we can do online share trading very smoothly using sharekhan software and tata usb internet connection.
The problem with most online share trading softwares which different traders provide to individual customers cannot be operated properly with usb internet because of the speed issue.
Most traders provide browser based software, so there will be streming issues due to slow internet connection.
But with share khan they give u a software which u can install on your pc and use this software for trading, i think this is the main reason for this to operate smoothly with slow internet connection also.
So i will definately recommend share khan online trading for those people who are interested to do online share trading with slow internet connection. It will work properly as compared with other trader softwares.