I chose Sharekhan because one of my friends felt that it would be better than icicidirect which is somewhat slow. I called up IndiaBulls before signing up with Sharekhan. The IndiaBulls representative took down my name and phone - thats it. No contact from them after that. In contrast, Sharekhan people were good at getting me to sign up.
I was told I would be able to link my uti/hdfc account online on the Sharekhan website. I have not been
able to do that with all innovation possible. Hence, I CANNOT TRADE.
When I login or logout, I get The page cannot be found.
I have to go again to the sharekhan homepage to find that I have been logged in. It says Welcome xyz
Then again, it says Welcome XYZ even after I have logged out. I have to put some hardwork to get
to the login page after logging out. It gives me login link on clicking My Account.
It has been a day since I sent them a mail about these issues and I am still awaiting a response.
Pathetic outlook for a new customer.