As far as the content goes..
its reviews on market are just so-so.
Also, for the net-trading has probs such as ..
ONLY NSE trading BSE trading..
Again site has no facility for Futures and Options Trading
Moreover.. it had been observed that.. technology used for live rates in their software called SSQ.exe is pathetic..which keeps on gettin disconnected from the socket time and time again.
So, live rates aint all that LIVE>
One strikingly good feature is customer service...
Very prompt and efficient .
compared to the leader in the field..thats , is far ahead in terms of technology ...however what is lacks is mostly some good research team..which wud give some cool gains to their customers..
Anyways, overall a good package... for those who wanna try their hand at net-trading... cos its competitors aint all that good.
I wud rate it at 5/10 and no other site more than 4/10 for the level of the service they provide.