I have been using this site for almost a year and no way renewing the account.If you are a day trader or want to make a quick buck of the bulls, this site is not for you.
Most of the crucial times the site is down. Setting a trade in the morning is so painful. You just watch ur profits go by in another window while you get a "page cannot be found" for your share khan window. Many complaints to the customer care dont even get answered. They probably know that their site has absolutely response time.
Call the customer care - its like waiting for ages. Try it if someone else is paying your phone bills.Interface is vast - lots of reports etc - but its like handing over a car to a blind man. Absolutely rubbish or no help interface. Unless you know what your doing, better be careful.
Another feature that could have helped would have been setting trades before market begins.
In all, dont waste money on this site.