One of the best in the world, and definitely the best Microwave Oven available in India. But the product pricing is a bit difficult to understand. Because, very recently I purchased this R880B MWO from Bharat Electronic Trading Corporation, Bentinck Street, Calcutta, for Rs. 14, 500.00 (date of purchase 14.10.2004).
A few days later, on the 9th of November I had a chance visit to the Great Eastern Trading Corporation at their Kankurgachhi outlet, and was astonished to find the same model displayed there, with a price tag of Rs. 12, 800.00, i.e. Rs. 1700.00 less than what I had to pay at Bharat.
Why this discrepancy? If Bharat has not cheated me, Great Eastern has certainly made me a fool for not purchasing the thing from them. Either way one looks at it, I happen to be a loser. Why? Because I love Sharp? Can I not claim the Rs. 1700.00 that I have lost? And when I spoke to the Regional Sales Manager about this, he could not explain.
However, DO NOT GET CARRIED AWAY WITH THE ADVERTISING GIMMICKS AND FREE GIFTS OFFERED BY SOME MANUFACTURERS. They are not worth it. You are here to buy quality and the latest technology... Just concentrate on that.