Shaurya......Rob Reiners superbly written A Few Good Men gets a Bollywood treatment. That is what Samar Khans Shaurya ..Its really a movie of the year.......AWESOME.Rahul Bose and KK at their best.The story is so close to reality that it makes you feel and ask , where are we going?If you have not watched Shaurya you are really missing something.
So leave back those sharukh khans movie and and watch this one.Here, you meet Rahul Bose, who thinks nothing suits his personality more than ‘googling’. Its only when the cool dude discovers the hero in the valley that he becomes a causaratti for democracy and a shaurya that doesnt tar a single community. He pitches a fine performance. Close to him is Minissha Lamba, the small town reporter who sips beer to scandalise those who question what she calls ‘small town morality’.
A short role she executes with ease and confidence. Not to miss out is Javed Jaffery, who plays the perfect friend, though the character seems to be lost as the movie progresses. And just in case you wondered whos shaurya are we all taking of, its none other than Kay Kay Menon, the sarkar of the valley with so very misconstrued views. Kay Kay is absolutely dynamic and its his explosive act in the climax that helps him walk away with applause for sheer shock value.