My friends had told me of this amazing movie and when I asked them the plot no one was ready to reveal and told me watch the movie!!..
I started watching it and till the mid, I got an impression its going to be a documentary stuff!.. but when the movie was complete I was amazed at the determination and love for life, some humans posses and I was desperate to watch it again.
I watched the movie 4 times therefafter as every dialogue was worth remembering and every time u feel better!!.
This movie no doubt is the best movie made ... for it encompasses the very essential of a human beings struggle for life..
This review is more of an aftersight .. so watch the movie before u read any review from anyone about this movie and I bet u wont be disappointed.
Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman have given sterling performances .. No doubt it was rated as the best movie not to get an Oscar. Also worth mentioning is the role of the warden .portrayed very well by lancy..
Some of the scenes are memorable:
Scene when Morgan Freeman thinks of commiting suicide(after his release) but decidrs not to inorder to keep the promise he made to his friend- Andy(Tim)..
Another scene is when Morgan Freeman meets andy finally at the beach(ending ofcourse!!!)..
The best part of movie is when Andy had decided to escape and he wears the New pair of shoes and enters the Prison without anybody even noticing it ..!!!
I also remember the old Libraraian (dont remember the guys real name).. his failure to adjust to life outside prison and and his suicide...its really touching.
God knows why it was denied an oscar but then it would have been with some lesser mortals!!!! let it be in its own league..
One more movie of Tim Robbins worth watching is The Hudsucker Proxy(1994)..