Hello to All Msians., well this is my first film review: over the hollywood film, The Shawshank Redemption, today I watched up the movie at WB channel, .& it touched my heart the same way since I had last seen the movie.
The Shawshank Redemption is 1994 film written and directed by Frank Darabont based on the stephen King novella, Rita hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. The film stars Tim Robbins as " Andrew (andy) dufresne and Morgan Freeman as "Ellis Boyd (Red) Reddings.
*The story:
*Tim Robbins as " Andrew (andy) dufresne, is wrongly convicted of murdering both his wife andher lover & is sentenced to two life sentences, and is sent to the notoriously harsh Shawshank Prison. During his first night, the barbaric treatment by prison guards, most notably the chief guard Byron Hadley, leads to the death of a fellow new inmate. About a month later, Dufresne becomes acquainted with Ellis Redding, (Morgan Freeman) also known as Red, and his friends. A friendship begins after Red, "the man who knows how to get things", procures a rock hammer for Dufresne, an object he wishes to own in order to pursue a hobby in rock collecting.
Over the first few years of his imprisonment, Dufresne works in the prison laundry service, and is dogged by threats and harassment, and instances of rape by a group of sadistic homosexuals known as the "Sisters". Andys former life as a banker and his knowledge of accounting and income taxes come to the attention of Hadley during an outdoor work detail, and after assisting the chief guard with an inheritance sum, Andy is moved to work with Brooks Hatlen in the library, where he shortly sets up a make-shift office to deal with finance related queries brought to him by various guards. His practice becomes so popular that even opposing guard teams in an inter-prison baseball match bring work to him. While working within the library, Dufresne begins to canvas support for improving the library at a relentless pace. When Andy is brutally raped again, the prison guards commit vigilante punishment against the offender, and it becomes clear that they are now protecting Dufresne from the mistreatment. When the rapist is permanently hospitalized, Andys victimisation comes to a close.
Warden Samuel Norton soon capitalises on Dufresnes ability and deduces aprogram to put prison inmates to work for local contracts in construction, road-building, and other labour intensive projects. Dufresne is corruptly employed to hide the embezzled funds for Norton, and he does this by creatingan alternate fraudulent identity through which all the paper work is completed. In the same year, the prison library is extended and Dufresne begins educating inmates to pass high school diplomas. A young prisoner named Tommy enters Shawshank in 1965 who corroborates Andys tale of innocence. Fearing the lossof the lucrative criminal funds that Andy administers, Norton has Tommy killed and Andy sent to solitary confinement. Two months later, Andy returns to the main enclosures a seemingly broken man, giving abstract instructions to Red, and his friends are concerned that he may commit suicide. The following morning, heis missing from his cell and an investigation is launched.
Following the events that led to his departure, it becomes clear that Andy Dufresne escaped the prison having tunnelled through the walls with the rockhammer given to him shortly after his arrival. Having chronicled the corruption within the prison, he sends his notes to a local newspaper, and walks away with Nortons fortunes, dressed as the man with the bank accounts. Refusing to be arrested, Norton commits suicide. When Red is finally released from prison, he follows the instructions given to him by Andy to find a further note hiddenbeneath a tree, which eventually leads him to meet Andy on the coast of Mexico.
My reasons to like the movie:
Its One of my all time favorites. Shawshank Redemption is a verymoving story about hope and the power of friendship. The cast is first ratewith everyone giving a great performance.
Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman carrythe movie, but Bob Gunton and Clancy Brown are perfect as the Warden Norton andprison guard captain Hadley respectively. And James Whitmores portrail of anelderly inmate Brooks is moving. The screenplay gives almost every actor atleast one or more memorable lines through out the film.
MY Fav. Scenes:
when Tim Robbins, is brought in the prison, barbaric treatment by prison guards, his sexual harrasment by the fellow inmates (sisters).Brooks sucide scene is extremely touching(I cry at this scene everytime I watch this movie)
The scene where Robbins, is simtten to see the response to the LIbrary project of his, He doesnt know where to turn first. He gets giddy, ripping boxes open and pulling out books, touching them, smelling them.bv , then pulls out Mozarts "Le Nozze de Figaro." and plays on old phonograph player, It is "Deutino: Che soave zeffiretto, " a duet sung by Susanna and the Contessa. and Cons all over the prison stop whatever theyre doing, freezing .. in mid-step to listen, gazing up at the speakers
Then Red says:" Truth is, I dont want to know. Some things are best left unsaid.""
And finaally the climax scene where, Red read up the letter of Andy, the one line that instantly touches ur heart is ::
"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies".
So I also hope that all MSians would watch this flick once, or if already seen can share there views on it, Hoping u all will like the review, n comment on it..