I can finish this review in a single sentence:
Read Shidney Sheldons Master of the Game.
Well, but I do have to finish some words into this Review, so here goes.
Ria and Sia, taken from Riya and Siya, further taken from Seeta and Geeta, are twin sisters.
Now, there is one Raj, who is loved by our Siya, but our Riya, who is unfortunately, deaf and dumb, loves Raj too!
Well, did I tell you that both look exactly like each other?
Well, Riya is the alter ego, the evil witch, who stalks our Raj, and does evil things like washing his Mercedes with soap, and herself, and chair dancing in her garden, so that he can watch, while the sis is away, for a business trip.
Siya is the good one, who looks after their clothes designing company, and goes on business trips all the way to America, alone.
Well, Riya is operated upon, but to no avail, but when Riya comes to find out that Raj is marrying Siya in the end, she shouts and gets her voice back, Interval.
Well, it is obvious that Riya dies in the end, so I wont waste My time telling you that.
And of course, Sheesha will soon have the ad line..
Two Neha Dhupias at the price of one!