Hi Im in the UK.
But as Shein is proud to be everywhere ill post my warning everywhere.
I purchased a vanity unit including basin cost £84.75 when it arrived the courier was unable to scan the item it was in 2 parcels when I said I wanted to open them as one parcel looked it could be damaged the courier did not wait he cleared of very quickly and on opening it found it was indeed damaged the wash basin was broken.
I contacted DHL the courier used as Shein would not let me report it damaged as its chatbot kept insisting it was not even out for delivery, this action with Shein continued for over a week, I could not report it broken untill I gave a crap review on Trustpilot then Shein sent a link within 4 hours to track my item and report that it was broken but the link would not let me into my account a week are so later it let me in and report it as broken at one time. I suggested that I would keep it at a 50% discount which would cover the price of a new basin they offered 30% discount I refused their offer as a new basin was £40.00 and a requested a return label for a door to door collection. I also pointed out that it arrived in 2 parcels they replied that it must be returned in one parcel and a pick up service was not available. I printed out the Evri return label Shein sent strapped the 2 parts of the vanity unit together took it to a parcel shop with a friend EVRI parcelshop pointed out the label was not valid for this item as it gave a weight of 12.4Kg the vanity unit was 29KG Evri limit is 15kg weight and the parcel was also outside their size limit.
I then had to get a taxi at a cost of £12 to take the parcel back home, I have on 18 emails tried to get this information to Shien to no avail they have suggested that if I dont use their label return I can use a courier of my choice and send the receipt for the postage to be refunded but the way they say they will refund an Evri postage but not an other company makes me doubt they will refund postage payed by me and I know Evri will not take the parcel.
Sheins website says they will only pay one standard postage and list the companies that must be used none of who will accept this parcel so I do not trust them. The vanity unit consists of 2 parts, part 1 the basin which is broken and has a value of zero and part 2 the furniture part with a value of possibly £15 to £20 as resale item and they will not send a valid return label but expect me to pay £30 to make the return something is telling me they are trying to get me to just go away.
I am already out of pocket £97.00, the vanity unit £85 and the return taxi £12 from Evri parcel shop that refused to accept the parcel. If Shein was acting sensible they would say dump the worthless basin and return the furniture part of the vanity unit and send a lable for the postage of that part as it would come within Evris limits and cost them less than £10 for the return postage but I will not pay for the return postage for reasons explained earlier. Shein has been sent photos of the broken basin, and copies of the limits of EVRI but still insists I return it and using the invalid EVRI return label they have supplied. I feel they are messing about with the aim of getting me to go away and lose my money.
This has gone on for over 5 weeks ordered on 4th of November and still talking to a chatbot that will not chat and 18 emails to another chatbot that only knows B.S. replies. I feel there is a scam going on here.