I have had a very bad experience with this hospital. They haveadvertising for their hospital like anything.
But when you go there then you come to know the ground realities.In my opinion if you want to get ripped off then you can go to them.
Recently I went there to admit my father who met with an accident athome (he fell down from the ladder, his side arm was slit about 2 inches due toa nail on the wall).We first got the first aid from a local nearby hospital and sinceI have heard a lot about this hospital and it was also included in the Medi Assitcashless network hospital list (My Family is covered from Medi Assit Insurance). When I went there and shown the Medi Assit ID card forcashless hospitalization.
They simply refused to admit him on the cashlessbases. We can only admit the patient if you submit thea advance amount (2000 Rs) and this amount will be return to you as soon as we get theapproval from the Medi Assit. They didn’t even see the father was in verycritical situation. Fortunately I had my credit card with me and I paid theadvance money to them and then they admit my father. I also paid for all themedicine expenses that they consumed during the stitching of the cut in spite ofhaving the cashless facility from my insurance company.
Very next day Medi Assit approved their all the expenses (Around 14000).So I asked them to discharge my father from hospital then again they come upwith new shocking thing that until unless you pay the full expenses of hospitalizationthey can’t let my father go out of the hospital (it’s like a captive situation).I told them your full amount has been approved by the medical insurance company and you also have my 2000 Rs advance with you. But theysimply denied. After too much of persuasion they told me that you pay 3000Rs more as advance and then you can take your father (Rs5000 total). I had no other optionthen paying their required money.
Now its been a month any they haven’t return money back even when my medicalinsurance company has approved all their expenses.
This is not the all. They requested around 30, 000 Rs forapproval to the insurance company. And their final Bill came to around 15000.You can simply imagine that is it justified that much of bill for one night hospitalizationto treat a slit on the side arm. They are just opportunists when they come toknow that you are covered with any medical insurance company then they cancharge you anything.
After all this if someone still wants to go to them its their wish andthey can share their experience.