Shentimal is a Marathi movie directed by Narendra Rahurikar and Sameer Patil. Its stars are Vidyadhar Joshi, Rajan Bhise, Pushkar Shrotri, Uma Sardeshmukh, Madhav Abhyankar, Ramesh Wani, Raghubir Yadav, Suyog Gorhe, Pallavi Patil, Vikas Patil, Upendra Limaye, Ashok Saraf. This is a boring film, its plot is very poor. I dont think we should watch this movie.
The music of the movie is not good. Totally old quality music. And the actors are not attractive. There is no powerful actors on this movie. I dont want to talk about cinematography. I never seen poor cinematography like this. I think there unqualified. I dont recommend anyone to watch this boring film.