This TV show has everything - amazing acting, great story-line, beautiful directing. What I like the most is that there is actually no need for cliff-hangers as a way to compel people into coming back. Each and every episode is pure perfection and its exactly that what has you hooked.
And one more thing. Music! I cant tell you how happy I am that a present day high production TV show doesnt use cheesy pop/rock/whatever songs as background. Sherlock has these beautiful melodies that almost feel cinematic like a cherry on top.
Absolutely gorgeous show that should be on everyonesmust see or evenfavorite list regardless of their usual preferences.
But the downside is that it sometimes stretches the story too long case of the one and a half hour episode and the 3 episodes per season only so for the two above reasons only I give it a 9 out of 10 but over all amazing show it is a must watch:)