We have enrolled our child in this school even when She was selected in some of the more well known schools, citing that they have different kind of teaching pattern and will not pressurize the kid beyond a point.
While the academic program still seems to be ok, much more relaxed than I imagined though, the biggest concern is about their insensitivity about kids needs, specially administration, books, uniform and transportation. All the people concern doesnt seem to care and we are offered raw deal in all these.
Administration: No one is ready give an appointment, everyone seems to be very busy and never return a call.
Books: books are delayed by a month already, no one seems to mind either.
Uniform: The quality of uniform was really below standard.
Transportation: Despite our multiple requests over the years there is no change in route even a large number of kids come from that area and every other school bus including RTC buses are able to pass through. Excuse , Driver is not comfortable to move the bus further as he is doing the same for last 12 years and no one is available to listen to either.