Introduction, his conception and schooling, his scholarly compositions began from boyhood, his abstract works, age of rabindranath, conclusion.
rabiindranath tagore was a marvel in the scholarly firmanent not just of bengal, but of india.rarely has human civilisation been honored with such a flexible genius.the soul of country expreses itself through him.such was valmiki in antiquated india, homer in greece, virgil in rome, dante in italy, goethe in germany.rabindranath is, in the expressions of dr.radhakrishnan, the gretest figure in cutting edge indian renaissance.
he was conceived on might 7, 1861 at jorasanko, kolkata.he was the most youthful child of maharshi debendronath tagore and sarada debi. he had an incredible aversion for educating of the universal kind.his school-the oriental theological college and the calcutta typical school-couldnt keep him for 1871, he was sent to britain to study.he was brighton school for some time.but he coul not compleet his training there and returnd home.hisgitanjali won him the nobel prize.