While some Japanese people have a warped sense of humor, some American people have a sense of humor thats just as warped and/or maybe even more so! Some critics might have said that it was crazy for anyone to translate their series! And Cartoon Network did translate it, so they Were crazy.crazy like a fox!
This show is one of their highest rated anime programs ever, and for a very good reason! Who else but Shin-Chan could take something as simple as dairy overdosing to such extreme, hilarious highs? Who else but Shin-Chan can witness so many extreme personalities clashing against each other in so many entertaining ways? Who else but Shin-Chan can always enjoy the best of everything even during the worst of situations? Who else but Shin-Chan could become buddies with such an odd collection of friends?
And who else but Shin-Chan could be a fan of a vulgarly named superhero and make fun of Both the original "Star Wars" movie and "Freaky Friday?" Nobody else in the cartoon universe that I know of, thats for sure! It is because of this shows unique personality, that I can understand how life for some Japanese people(albeit warped Japanese people) just might be like in the land of the rising sun. It might not be accurate, but it sure is funny!:lol: Thats why I love this show, because it revels in its own humor!:idea: Enough said!;)