Hello friends,
I am working in the banking sector, but when I was preparing for the competitive exams and searching the job, I used to register myself with the job providing websites, in which SHINE.com is one of them.
my experience was so bad, as the mails that I received was not exactly to my qualifications. if I continue with some job, the process start with telephonic call. after that they called for the interview and side by side they show the outdoor entry by paying some fees around 20000-25000. sometimes this money is for cracking the interview.
90% of the call I made by searching the site for the job, results in the process written above(other than mncs).
I also like to share that the websites interface is normal, not so eye catching.
The information regarding jobs is upto the mark.
the filtration for the particular job is not good
thats why my experience was not so good.