This is for the first time I have seen such instance from a Job Portal company. I had recently uploaded/ updated my profile on Shine.Com.
Post which I received a call. One of the Shine.Com representative was talking to me on what kind of assistance they can do to forward my resume in companies like Wipro, iGate, Cap Gemini. To my surprise
- When I said that I have a notice period of 3 months. The concerned executive asked me to pay INR 3, 000.00 to get the notice period accepted by the potential employers. This is not the first time that executive from had asked money.
Earlier I had received another call from a Lady Executive asking me to pay security money of INR 10, 000.00 to get my profile forwarded to the companies.
- When I said that I would not be interested to pay the money, I was abused by the Executive.
That is insane. I request all the potential Job Seekers, please be aware of such practices offered by the Shine.Com.I also request all the potential Employers, please have a look into the case and ban them.
Apart, from putting this on Mouthshut, I am planning to lodge a complain with the Consumer Forum for such practice.
Thanks & Regards,
Rahul K Mehta