I brought this album (time Music Spiritual) about a year back. All the 14 compositions are really very good. They are all in Sanskrit. The booklet with the album (CD) contains all stotras & mantras that are sung in it & also their meaning. This is very helpful since most of us do not understand sanskrit well. The album contains writings by Adi Shankaracharya, age old well known mantras, shiv stuti, Maha Mritunjaya Stotra repeated 108 times, Shiv Dhun etc. Those to whom I played this CD approx 70% liked it very much. Those who were not interested were either averse to listening to devotional music or looked at it from the view of Shastriya Saneet.
It is better to listen to this CD before buying because it is very costly. Unfortunately music stores will not have sample CD to allow you to listen this CD.
The quality of recordings is exellent as also CD quality for I have played it more than 150 times without any deterioration.
I reommend it to those who like this type of music.