Alright so first of all a REAL guru/baba would not make the cds/dvds this overpriced then claim that it is a non-profit organization. Where is the money going then? I know the cost of manufacturing and distributing CDs, it is apartment even to the uneducated that these costs are unreasonable. Babanco, his son Ishan, and his wife are all part of a scandal. Do not even read the comments with the usernames that say SHIVYOG or related, it is obvious that you are a loyalist or deep within the scandal just trying to solve for a higher review rating. Please save your time and money, if you
Dont believe me just go to one shibir and experience it! If babas "medical healing" was so revolutionary or unbelievable, CNBC, ABC, and FOX news would have already reported or interviewed for it. This is an apparent scandal, and I wish upon you the best, Please Save Your Money And Time.