I have been to one of these shibvirs after hearing a lot about it from my office colleague.
Finally, I decided to go for one of the shibirs - Sri Vidhya Shibir Part 1 - Total 8000 Rs. (Feb 2012)
I was excited and took 5 days leave from office to go to Delhi all the way from Mumbai.
My friend told me that they will be teaching type of meditation which will help you a lot in life. I have deep interests in Indian yoga teachings and Meditation as I know it helps and benefits individual if you get it down right.
After paying my expectation was that I will be able to learn yoga or atleast learn basics of yoga at good level so that I can practice at my home. There will be enough instructors to guide me in this process so that I get this right.
Some initial shocks
After getting to location in Chhatrapur I found that it was not really that small of an event. There were around approximate 6000 people minimum to shibir I went. (I highly think it is close to 8000-9000 people but I am not very confident)
It was arrange in big hall in CHHATARPUR Temple in Delhi.
Heavily crowded place. Not enough place to sit. No place to stretch your legs without touching someone.
I am trying to cover aspects of shibir on top of this most and will keep opinions related to babaji and shivyog separately.
I found it to be heavily mismanaged event.
Very few people present to manage event.
Always asked volunteers from crowd to help. (from arranging things to serving food to people in name of seva - I understand to an extent this is OK but they could atleast have few paid volunteers for this large no of group of people)
Bad food served on all days. (A lot of people complained on first day itself after first half and in second half - Baba said to have it like prasad and not complain about such petty things. you are here to learn sadhana, so learn that and let go of rest) I did not find this valid at all after paying 8K for 5 days training/shibir. If I take any training outside also and if they promise me for food - they will atleast provide decent quality.
Cost - 8K per person - multiply by 6000 people - 4.8 Crore Rupees (too much money gathered for too less of value and returns in terms of knowledge and learning sadhana)
There was no explanation about Sadhana and where did it come from and most of it was wague. I tried asking questions about Babaji and shivyog. I found that noone around me knew these answers or bothered. They were just simply saying "Do it" and then you will know.
Baba while mentioning breathing technique - twice mentioned word "ANCHOR" that got me worried. Since I have studied theories behind hypnotism, I knew that this word is coming from that context. So I majorly felt it was part of some hypnotism technique.
When will it work?
Baba said that this sadhana will only work when following 2 conditions are met.
Forgiveness to ALL -------- Difficult to do
Unconditional love to ALL --------- Another difficult most thing to do
Ok, Fine, Even if you get above 2 right and you are not able to achieve your sadhana there is already reason behind this.
"Your sins from past life!!!"
1.I found this really dodgy as first 2 conditions itself are difficult enough to achieve and even after achieving those if you dont get it right - Baba will tell you that it is because of your past sins!!!
2. So in short, even after doing it right you will not be able to get it ANYWAYS!!! (unless you are already hypnotized enough to believe that you have it already!!! )
The entire event was heavily bombarded with stores selling babaji CDs, mantras, cards etc. But even after paying 8K they did not think it was necessary to give notes of things taught. So you do not get anything for free further also.
Mantra cards -- approx 500 rs. for set -------- ( I found lot of people photo copying it after event just to avoid cost) .
CDs -- approx 200 rs each.
Another technique used baba during his shibir was with respect to SHIVYANTRA.
Shivyantra -- It is one thing that will help you in your sadhana. It is not something invented by baba.
But cleverly during shibir he mentioned that - like television informercials say ... "do not buy it from outside vendors as it may be slightly broken or edges cut purposely so that you do not achieve your sadhana right!!! so only buy it from us.!!"
He even said the yantras at shibirs have special energy in them given by me. (They already have shakti (power) in them)
Later I found that cost of each SHIVYANTRA offered at shibir was 6000 Rs.
Plus - If you want to donate you can donate separately.
Not so clear
I was under impression that I am getting all teachings that is there to learn this meditation but no - it was just first 2 steps of total 11 stages.!! Nobody told this earlier. and for stage 3 - baba will choose people by himself (from his shakti he will identify people - but you have to fill application forms though :P)
So you can calculate if its 8K avg to learn 11 levels - It is 88, 000 Rs!
Some Questions - Unanswered
Who is this Baba? Real Name?
What did he do before becoming babaji?
How did he get this vidya? (somewhere I read - some mysterious baba gave it to him at age of 8 - nobody knows who! - Simply you can not trace rishis!)
You are not allowed to meet baba.
Not allowed to ask any questions.
You are not allowed to share mantras with anyone else directly (like pyramid schemes) and even if you do they will not be valid as those mantras will not be powered by Baba himself.
It is all in VEDAS
After returning home, I discussed all this with my neighbor who is astrologist and has done lot of such studies. I mentioned mantras to him and he said these are all available with him in his notes and it is nothing new. He was taught these mantras by his astrology guru himself to do meditation.
So all I found was it is OLD KNOWLEDGE of VEDAS --- Just MARKETED in new ways under name of Shivyog.
In my opinion
Baba is here to make just money!
Always keep something hidden! and say it is all SUPER SECRET STUFF! so that innocent people will be excited and follow it blindly - if they complain you can always say that your PAST LIFE SINS are too many!!!
and this is knowledge you are not allowed to share!!! (like they say in pyramid scheme - because they want to fool you to fullest!!)
I am sure I have missed lot of things that I found fake during this entire event as I had attended it more than a year back.
I suggest please do you thorough research before attending any of such shibirs and seminars by any gurus or even better PICK UP a BOOK on meditation and do it and learn it yourself!!!
Update: One of my neighbour during shibir - from newzeleand - She mentioned that she invited baba to newzeland for shibir but baba denied because less no of people. She mentioned no. if it is below certain no ISHAAN (babajis son) will take shibir. Baba said that get more members there and I will conduct shibir myself! -- Just incident I wanted to mention which I thought shows that baba is money minded and publicity seeker.
Sorry for typing mistakes if any.