I was pleasantly surprised to see mixed reviews and though I read few of the negative reviews, I chose to stop reading negative comments and share my views for some spiritual seekers. It is for them to take decision after reading and feeling the below real life experience -
- I find Babaji to be a true "giver"- he is sharing lot of wisdom and I have also experienced some of the completely unimaginable ones.
I joined Shivyog about 3 years back and in the first year I just chose to hear what I wanted to, but was very happy since I had always been interested in guided meditation and was searching for it from the year 1998(i guess).
Then in the second year, something wonderful happened. I have a brother who is a special child(epileptic but wonderful). He started wobbling and not seeing clearly because of the many allopathic medicines he was subject to. He developed cataract and I could sense him having difficulty in walking even in our middle sized home. On the first day of the shivir, there was a question and answer session in which after an initial meditation round, we were to ask questions to clarify our doubts. One lady asked that her hand felt very cold on remembering her child while giving healing and babaji mentioned that the child was bereft of life force energy and she should give healing by touching his feet as the energy would transfer from her hand to his body.it was like an answer to my question. I was also trying to do something for my brother and the same day I went home in the evening and did 45 min healing session in which I started feeling energy and understood what baba was teaching. After 45 mins when I asked my brother to walk and come to the next room, he was having more control on his muscles and my mother could make out the difference clearly. From that day onward my confidence and understanding of shivyog principles became deeper(am still learning, going up and down and again up) but life has changed completely.
Few things I would like to share -
Develop unconditional love like a tree which goes on sharing without expecting anything in return even if kids throw stones to get the fruits! Or like mother who loves her child irrespective of any mischief he does;)
Accept everyone the way they are - I am much better than what I was but still need to do more:)
Forgive and let go - best thing to happen as you become much more happier.
Heal people in pain - After my session with my brother, I realized what Guru always says, your thoughts are powerful so be careful of what you think.
One other incident I remember to healing is of an aunty whose wound refused to heal for many days. We are asked to help and heal peoples pain without taking any money from the people. So I asked her whether she would like me to help and maybe she said yes to see whether it does help! The next day she seemed better(her wound was healed about 50-60%) and was happy but skeptical thinking that this was coincidence, I guess. But I believe that my Guru helped her and my brother heal as he wanted me to change for Good!