This is more a review on the other Shock reviews rather than a review of the drink itself.
I really feel that all articles should as a rule have be better researched.
It’s one thing to comment about the taste of the drink and quite another to comment on what the ingredients could be without at least trying to find out. As far as I know the manufacturer’s use Ginseng which is very expensive (hence the bottle cost) and used by olympic athletes around the world to enhance performance. Mentioning things like BVO was unwarranted especially without even knowing what ingredients the product contains. It’s one thing to malign a product if it’s genuinely bad, quite another to do it just off a whim as it does a lot of injustice to people reading those reviews. The manufacturers aim is clearly not make just any other soft drink, we really should appreciate new products that companies introduce, and let it be up to the consumer to choose, while on the flip side, we as consumer should get a little more aware of what goes into the product we purchase instead of purchasing it blindly and then, least of all, comparing it a soft drink of familiar taste.
Just as an added filler if anyone wants to read the benefits of Ginseng refer to the article below :
For thousands of years ginseng has been used in the east to clear the mind, improve memory, sharpen reflexes, tune and harmonize the body’s organs, and to allow the mind and body to work together in perfect balance.
Ginseng root has now become popular amongst athletes as a means of increasing the body’s natural abilities, and as a natural alternative to anabolic steroids.
Ginsenocides, the principal active component of ginseng, have been demonstrated to have an action similar to anabolic steroids, and ginseng contains some distinctly steroid-like compounds, including panaxtriol.
However, unlike steroids, ginseng is non-toxic. Thousands of years of regular use in traditional asian medicine have demonstrated that ginseng actually strengthens the body’s organs and immune system, and its effects are only improved by long-term use.
Ginseng also acts as an antioxidant, and has been the focus of clinical experiments to aid in the reduction of certain types of cancers, including breast cancer.
Used by the Chinese to improve digestion, ginseng is known to aid in the efficient absorption of nutrients, a major consideration for athletes in obtaining the most benefits from a training diet.
Ginseng is safe to take, even for prolonged periods of tim