I am not an avid reader of robin cooks work but my mom isisted that it was a good one. well reluctuntly I did go ahad and man! did I ge a real shock or what? it was great, right from the first page to the last one, it wasa real roller coaster ride. contradictory to the usual belief, that robin cook confuses you to the core, as a matter of fact even if he does get into his lab coat, explaining you the nity gritty of science and its advancement, he would make sure that he puts it across in a lay mans language.
his book shock talks abt tjhese two young girls who go into egg donation to make a few bucks (they werent exactly few). then they have some fun with that money along with a good saving (smart girls) but the womanhood gets to them and when back in town they really wanna know what happened to their eggs and who si that lucky couple and the cute baby that has been blessed in this world thanx to them. though such info. is strictly confdential but u know when a woman wanna know sumthin they just wanna know it.
but they end up finind sumthing thats compleately suicidal.....and happens next is sumthing u really ought to know. so get ur hands on this masterpeice and devour every page of it
i give u my gaurantee u wont regret it.