Number of Movies remade from Hindi to Tamil is very less compared to remakes from Tamil to Hindi. On analyzing some facts, I found that it is because,
~ No mainstream bollywood movies have a new storyline or an interesting plot which is worth remaking.
~ The success rate of bollywood movies is very less these days and of course only the hit movies will be remade in other languages
~ Even if some of the movies seem to be interesting, they lack Indian flavor and nativity which is very much essential for regional movies and that is one which bollywood movies have forgot long time before and nowadays bollywood movies have lot of western stuffs targeting the NRI audience.
~ Many of the bollywood movies itself are remade from Tamil and other regional languages.
I don?t mean that bollywood movies are the worst, same is the situation here also, and the quality of the movies descends down gradually.
But in such a situation, Ram Gopal Varma is a factory of films with fresh plots and interesting screenplays. One such movie from Varma?s factory is ?Bhoot? which became a trend setter and many scary movies started to roll after it. Shock is the Tamil version of ?Bhoot?.
Moreover, ?Shock? is the frame to frame replica of ?Bhoot?. Shock is produced and directed by Thyagarajan and Prasanth plays the role of Ajaydevgan and Meena plays the role of Urmila. I think everyone knows the story of ?Bhoot? so I skip briefing the plot.
Thyagarajan has taken a bold attempt by remaking a different genre of movie (thriller) which comes very rarely in tamil. After ?Snehithiyae? I can?t remember any scary movies made in tamil. Why thrillers are not made often?
~ There will be no repeat audience
~ Once if the suspense in the movie leaks out, the movie will not be interesting to watch
~ As a consequence of above mentioned points, probability of commercial success is very less
~ Above all, people now are able to watch technically and visually scary and high quality thrillers as Hollywood movies are now dubbed in Tamil itself.
This is an attempt to bring back Prasanth?s. Prasanth has well utilized the opportunity and has done well. He has come up with a more mature and subtle performance.
Meena is the right choice to play malini character. Meena has been in this film industry for past one and half decades and in due course she has matured well as an actress. She has done a brilliant job. Instead of saying Meena has acted well, I should say her eyes have acted well. We all know that meena has a powerful and expressive eyes and it has helped her lot to essay this character. But the minor distraction is she has a thick body and that skin touch costume doesn?t fit her and also she looks a bit older.
The same music directors? Saleem Sulaiman who scored for ?Bhoot? has scored for this movie also. I was surprised because when I read reviews on Bhoot which praised the background score as awesome but I feel it is just mediocre. Background score plays a vital role in such suspense thrillers and if it fails the whole impact of the scene will go off. Even though, it was stunning and shocking at some places, these guys are not matured enough and have to improve a lot.
At some places, sound of silence will give better impact than thundering percussions so while scoring the most important thing one should look for is where it has to be silent and where sound should be added. In this movie, they have unnecessarily used heavy sounds at many places where there is no thrill at all and it was really irritating.
I don?t understand why in such movies all the characters except the lead pair are peculiar, strange, and has some extreme behavior. Why can?t they be portrayed as natural human beings. The maid servant, the watch man all look like a devil. Why lady who can speak to ghosts should be annoying and behave herself like a ghost. This is where quality of such thrillers descends down.
Suhasini plays the role played by Rekha, she is simply wasted. Kalairani as maid servant was annoying. I liked the performance of Sarath babu as a doctor. Abbas fits well in the role of Fardeen khan. Thyagarajan does his job well as the police officer and his one liner evokes some laughter.
Even though the story is unbelievable, the screenplay grips well. Even then, the first half was very slow but second half ran at jet speed. Cinematography and lightings by M.V.Paneer Selvam is natural and the camera angles are really scary. Editing is sharp. Overall, a welcome change in Tamil cinema among the usual boredoms. The movie is already running to full houses in all urban areas. Those who haven?t seen ?Bhoot? can watch this movie for a change.