I have to admit that my wife and I decided to go for this movie only coz of the stellar star cast... Naseeruddin Shah and Om Puri are two of the iconic performers of our time and you can be assured of a show worth the money and effort. After watching the last two movie of Naseer, "Khuda ke liye" and "A Wednesday" , we were too eager on catch this flick and almost raced to our nearest hall to catch the last show for the evening. And the next two hours were spent in an almost trance like state and contrary to my usual practice I did not leave the audi during the interval to grab something to munch on.
The plot pertains to the environment of discrimination and hatred against Muslims that got spawned after 9-11 and the bombing at london metro. The story revolves around Naseeruddin Shah, a moderately senior officer in the London Police who is assigned the investigation into the wrongful killing of a young muslim student by some of his colleagues. In the vitiated atmosphere Naseers senior and peers are quick to sideline him when his acquanitance with a known radical Muslim cleric (played by Om Puri) is construed as his inclination towards the radical ideologies.
Naseer ends up paying a very high price to stand by his sense of duty and responsibility.
Very sensitive portrayal of a man caught between religion and duty... and excellent performance by all the cast. There wasnt even a single moment during the entire movie where you could lose interest... absolutely rivetting and engrossing. A movie worth watching....... Naseer at his best