I trust shopatgoodprice where reviews and ratings are not biased by sellers instead it is a community like mouthshut that is helping each other buy only quality products and only from reputed and trustworthy sellers. Dont take my words, just go and search "Sony led KDL EX 520" on this site(which have been reviewed as very bad recently on mouthshut), and let me know if they show any of Sony LED KDL EX 520.
I have posted many reviews about this site but all of them were removed. Perhaps mouthshut doesnt want to promote good shopping sites. I am writing here for the last time to let the people know that they have a shopping site which is run by people and their complaints are honored very seriously(if any at all). They remove the products immediately from their site even if it received only a few complaints.
They dont intend to make money at the cost of buyers satisfaction. They have an innovative shopping search engine which search all major shopping sites in India and automatically reads all the products for the given keywords. This shopping search engine selects only the products that have been most appreciated by many users on most of the sites as well as finds out where it can be bought at cheaper price. This is what, already done by many "so called" price comparison sites in India, but the results given by these comparison sites are not trustworthy at all because they aim at SELLING instead of making sure the buyer gets the satisfaction and smile.
Also, price comparison sites compare prices only and dont care about reputation of the seller or quality of product and reviews/ratings while shopatgoodprice give preference to BETTER RATED/REVIEWED PRODUCTS and figures out where they can be bought at cheaper price.
In other words, it selects BETTER products that are fit based on products reviews and rating available on internet as well as the seller is reputed and owns most of the positive ratings. It, then, allows the people to rate and review its selected products further on shopatgoodprice.
So this is a good mix of automatic as well as manual rating of products and its seller and thus guides the buyers to figure out best among already chosen as "better products". THIS IS THE ONLY SHOPPING SITE IN INDIA WHERE A FEW CUSTOMER MAY ASK TO REMOVE A PRODUCT FROM THE SITE AND IT IS REMOVED IMMEDIATELY AFTER REVIEWING THE COMPLAINTS.
The team at shopatgoodprice is also constantly manually reviewing various online shopping sites, various online reviews and mouthshut too and downgrade/remove the results coming from sellers or online shopping sites who have been reported disappointing most of the times.
So in other words if you participate at mouthshut, you are helping the community at shopatgoodprice too in refining their results. However, I recommend to participate directly at shopatgoodprice to make online shopping in India a pleasing experience for most of us. I am also a part of this wonderful customer centric shopping and products rating site.
I certify that this is my honest, personal review based on my own experience. That I have not been offered any payment or incentive to write this review. Also, I am not their marketing team(assuming if they have any marketing team at all;).