Worlds worst online shopping experience available only at shopclues.Hurry up.I had placed nokia bl-5c battery( order # 85762958 and 85446130 ) through I searched for bl-5c nokia battery, I found lowest price for this item only at shopclues.But when I was placing order, I checked delivery available or not to my location.I felt happy at that time, because delivery available to my location and merchant rating, reviews about the product all were good and there is no delivery charges.When I checked the same item on other online shopping site, it was too much high( around 222/- on snapdeal, 369/- in amazon) .But on shopclues it was just Rs 159/- I decided to place the order.I placed my order immediately after comparing the item on whole best websites.Till yet there was no problem.I got successful order message after that.The next day I got another message regarding my order asyour item is now ready to dispatch.But after 2 days shopclues surprised me by a message asThe seller unable to serve you, because out of stock of nokia bl-5c battery.How it was happend, ready to dispatch item, how became out of stock.I thought that, might be seller sent to some one instead of to me.However shopclues tried to handover my order to some other seller( second order number) .Same message I got asyour order is ready to dispatch now.After 2 days same story repeated as above, but some different.I didnt know what happened to seller, as I got message asYour item could not be dispatch as your address is not in serviceable your order has been canceled.Before placing order shopclues didnt give any information wheather the item is in stock or out of and delivery information.After placing orders shopclues surprising people like me by cancel the order after 2 or 3 days.This type of experience happened to me 2 times only at shopclues.So I decided It was better to place orders instead of shopclues.The worst shopping experience I never thought like the above from shopclues.Dont believe shopclues and beware while placing order.