Hello guys as everyone would be aware of Shopclues it is the least used app recently I was buying a Moto G but when I got the delivery I get to see that my phones back cover was broken badly and the camera were having scratches and seriously the phone was not at all looking like a new one it was looking like if someone have given them in return and I have given that product so I complained to them about the poor productivity and requested to give my money but they were not agreeing to give my money back I requested them to give me mone6 after that I even said that I will make complaint on youll cannot force anyone but they didnt listened to me and unfortuantely they gave my money in Shoclues Account now youll is there any worth of that money which is in my Shoclues account I needed that money to invest somewhere else bug they didnt agreed till last I am seriously disappointed by thier Customer Service they should know how to care thier customer they dont a single thing aboug caring customers they just make fools to peoples I will never ever use Shopclues in my life.