In todays date shopping sites play an important role in human life .
There are several shopping sites available in India .But in my opinion shop clues is the best site for online shopping .
Its product having good quality easy to deliver to the customer residence. It take 2 to 3 business days to deliver the order.Also shop clues provide customer to good discount.In festival session it offer more than 90 percent discount to the customer .I used the product of shop clues its product is very nice .
There is no harm in his product .it also provide good customer support service if there is any damage in his product than it receive the customer order and return money to the customer.its service is my opinion shop clues is number one shopping site in India .It also provide clue bucks for several buying.If u get clue bucks than you can use this clue bucks to the next clues product is very low price as compression to other shopping can buy anything on shop clue.