It is the worst online shopping site I have ever seen. I ordered(ID:13668207) Google Nexus 5 32 GB black and they delivered the product after 5-7 days without doing quality check. Handset was faulty and even few items were missing. After logging complain, every process took 5-7 days to complete and the results were pretty unsatisfactorily: 5 days for arranging pickup, 5 days for reviewing wrong product, 4 days to contact merchant, 3 days to getting response from them, 2 days to decide whether to replace or refund and 15 days to return your money to credit card.
Almost for 1 month, your money is with them, your product is with them and you have to do regular follow-up by spending money in calls to get your money back.My advice is never ever do any shopping from SHOPCLUES otherwise you would have horrible experience.