Hi guys today I am here to share my honest review on the shopclues.com. Recently I had heard that this online website is very nice from my friends. This nice is in ironic way. I give it for that why my friends are saying so and thought that I should give it a try. I went to the website and pros lots of products with your life saving to be very nice and original they were at the such a surprise that I could not resist and ordered 4-5 products on their website but to my surprise see product Vivek I mean these were product that look like the original but they were not authentic they were just Chinese products of these things that show on their website and they look like from boys that same product but when you use them they will just be wasted 2 to 3 days which is not at all acceptable because you are paying Sach Hai amount of money for a thought that maybe it is the original and they are selling it at cheap price but when you come to know that the product is 40 and they dont take the replacement not say pe uniforms sowwies beware of the seller it is a scam do not see cheap products on their website and order them in the feel of original products because I guarantee the products on this website A Hundred Percent not authentic. So please trust other friends like flipkart.com, snapdeal.com. HMM I am sorry not snapdeal.com because Aamir Khan indore says it and many people told me that not to use products endorse by Aamir Khan so please also reject snapdeal.com.Use flipkart.com