I ordered puma shoes for Rs.850/- on 29/12/13 made advance payment. The delivery date was 3/1 to 5/1. On 3/1 they unilaterally cancelled the order saying that the dealer does not have stock. Now the very dealer is selling the very product on their own website for Rs.1699-/ and there they have stock.
This clearly shows that they are cheaters. They allure customers by showing cheap rates, pocket advance money and then in the name of no stock cancel the order and ask for refund or make the customer to buy the product for heavy price. When I bought it for Rs.850/- the price shown was Rs.1700/- and today when they sell it for Rs.1700/- the price shown is Rs.2200/-.
Thus on each and every step, they are indulging in unfair trade practice and cheating only. I have also learnt from internet that their CEO Sandeep Agrawal was involved in some financial scam in US and was arrested also. What can you expect from such people? My earlier experience of buying from them was reasonable and hence I bought this product from them. But now, I would never go for any item from them nor would recommend anybody to buy anything from them.