Do not trust SHOPCLUSE
I will shaRe my own experince with shopclues app. Shopclues is a shopping site. I have orderded few items ( order no. - 113327912) from shopclues application and payment was done instantly through net banking because cash on delivery was not available on those items . I have ordered on 21sep2107 and receivef on 1stnov2017 and it is happend with lots of struggle of 2 month first I have searched their coustmer care number from google then for 10 days I was continously listning to ivr then on 11th day finally I got a chance to talk to their executive and then I clearly told him about the things happend he was with a fake excuse that it will resolve in 24 hours. But after that every time their was a new executive and I was irritated by telling the same story and order no. To every new one I have to struggle because I have invested my money on it and I paid first because I want that items from long time and on slopclues I was getting in lesser rates . after, lots of calls and mail send to them I was thinking that I have lost my money but finally on 31st oct I got a call from postoffice that your product is here please come and take it . so next day morning I get my products and it was a feeling that I accomplised a mission so it was my worst online shopping. Its your money spend it in right place dont buy anything from SHOPCLUES. and is much better shop from them.