I ordered the stylish and colourful Kolorfish M22 mouse and its pad from Shopclues. Designed in colourful stripe pattern of white, blue, yellow, pink, grey, it really takes my heart at the first view. Honestly telling, I was reluctant to order from them after reading some reviews regarding delivery and products issues. To my surprise, Shopclues didn’t count 5.5lac fb followers without any reason. Yup, I didn’t receive any issue in terms of delivery or regarding the product.
Above on everything, the offered price of Rs 249 is the cheapest online available price which attracted me to their site. The USB mouse comes with the scroll wheel and is working great at my workstation. It is really very comfortable to click either from your right or left hand. As a conclusion, better experience yourself without believing on others eyes or ears as it is a digital age of e-commerce.