Product purchased online : Mens Formal Floaters Laura
The Suppliers of the above product : APIC online - Location Panipat, Harayana
I ordered 1 No. Mens Formal Floaters Laura - Size No. 10 (with an option to send Size No. 11 if available) thru the above medium - online purchase. They have displayed the product name - REMEX for the above brand of Floaters.Advance payment was done - usual for online purchases. On receiving the parcel these guys have sent me a brand marked TATA and Size No. 9
The guys have kept silent when inquired why they have sent me a wrong Size No. 9 instead of Size No. 10. Moreover they have simply kept quiet about the brand supplied.
What I find is the guys working in APIC online are not responding to the mails sent. They are daylight robbers and their duty is to advertise online the various products available at their site. However, they send useless materials and when one queries why wrong materials or items have been sent, there is no reply. They just ignore the mails nor the phone calls and are interested only in taking fresh orders.
These online scoundrels should be taken to task immediately.As a note of caution, my advice is to avoid purchases from this particular site so that they can learn a lesson that the customers are not taken a ride for their crap products put on sale for online purchases.
The experience I gained has to be shared so that no one else falls into the trap of these scoundrels and daylight robbers, who are interested in swindling public money by supplying useless materials without caring for the customers grievances.