I ordered Toshiba NB510-A1110 netbook with them in their special price of 17799 against 19100 of regular price. After the labour of 2 hrs in price comparison with snapdeal, flipkart, naaptol, priceindia I could not find such lowest price at any shopping site. Thus in terms of offering price, Shopclues deserves 5/5. Now, come the delivery and packaging section. The delivery process was very smooth and transparent. First received msg and mail regarding the order. Infact, I also tracked my order on their site which is an unique option for shoppers in terms of gaining satisfaction. As committed, I received my order yesterday when placed it on 13th sept. In terms of packaging, it was normal like always with their shopclues tapes, shopclues packaging paper, and invoice and other manual and warranty details.
Review of Toshiba NB510-A1110 – Well, it is the ultimate netbook that suits my requirement and budget effectively. Embedded with second generation atom dual core processor, the netbook works with a good 1.6 GHz of processor speed. 2 GB Ram, 320 GB HDD, and Windows 7 Starter OS, it makes my world complete. Also provided the feature of HD graphics, it will surely work wonder for me. No issues with the sound quality of speaker, 3.0 bluetooth, 0.3 MP camera – all are working great. Being lightweight and compact, it well fits into my carry bag.
Therefore, many many thanks to ShopClues for introducing such special deals on great products.