Seller shipped a wrong product against a pre-paid order(Order No.52621173), and before reaching the product, he informed me about the wrong shipment with a request to return so that they can send the right product.
On receipt of the packet on 22nd May 2015 I informed the ShopClues support and they asked me to file a return request through their web-site. Since the return request function of their web site was not functional I again called them and they said to wait for 48 hours to get the website ready to take return request. However even after 72 hours it did not work. To my complaint on 25 May 2015, they said to e-mail the return request with 3 photographs of the wrong product. Though the seller knew that they shipped a wrong product, the ShopClues insisted on opening the packet, taking three photos and uploading, just to trouble the customer. Since I had no other way than abide by them, I did so, and on 27 May they informed that the return request is accepted and I should keep the product packed and ready to handover to courier who will pick from me. So I packed and kept the product ready to deliver.
But on 28th May another e-mail came asking me to send the packet by paying the courier charges, the cost of which they will credit to theirClues Bucks points which I may be able to use to purchase something from their site.(Will any one try their luck for a second time with these kind of company?)
I responded to them by saying I wont be paying anything more to return this and hence they should arrange to pick up and refund the money, to which they again replied on the same lines with one more note thatsend through some reputed courier, and not to send through India Post.(Wondering what is their qualification to say India Post is not reputed?)
Again I replied to them repeating that I am not going to send the product by paying form my pocket and hence they should arrange for pickup, to which there is no response so far.
In the process I lost the money I paid for the product and also had to make a lot of phone calls, and wait for about a week to hear that Ive to return the product by paying from my pocket, for a negligence on the part of ShopClues.
They may be having quite a lot of product at cheap price. But the problem is if anything goes wrong, then it is almost impossible to get corrected with them and it is almost sure that the buyer will loose the money paid! So never trust ShopClues for online shopping, unless you dont mind loosing your money, and a happy to take a bunch of troubles. From their behavior it seems they are just cheats!.