does have great products but the Customer Service is pathetic. I have placed an order with them with the order number 37025001, and I get a reply saying that the product is out of stuck whereas its a Pre Paid order and not a COD. I guess its a neat way for a website to raise fundings on the expense of customers who are going in for pre paid orders .
I called there helpline number today and I was told that the concerned team is in talks with the vendor who is supposed to be shipping my product.I asked the gentlemen on the phone to get me the update on the product in case there CONCERNED TEAM is looking into the same as am sure that team must have shared the information, but I was told that it will take 72 hrs for them to update me.
I told them in case if it will take 72 hrs why not give me the information right away as I am on call or better still let me talk with the vendor on real time and find out whats wrong with my order. Then came the best part, the person manning the phone told me bluntly he is EMPOWERED to CANCEL MY ORDER. This really ticked me off.
A) I have paid for a product
B) I am calling a number where I am getting charged
C)Because of my money you are in business
D) When I am not asking to cancel my order, you have the audacity to tell me that you will Cancel my order.
I asked that gentlemen to escalate the call, after putting my call on a hold for a MOMENT which was for long hour, I was able to talk with a FLOOR SUPERVISOR and this gentlemen actually Released my call.
SO much for Customer Service when its a Pre Paid order, not too sure what is the plight of a COD customer, Guess will do that and will be updating this Post.