This is one of the bogus and fake site without any credibility. The have mostly C and D grade vendors who are selling fake and sub standard products. I ordered a MI charges, what was delivered to me was a E grade fake product and even after writing to shop clues I did not get any positive response and I had no option to return the product as well. This is one of the bogus and fake site without any credibility. The have mostly C and D grade vendors who are selling fake and sub standard products. I ordered a MI charges, what was delivered to me was a E grade fake product and even after writing to shop clues I did not get any positive response and I had no option to return the product as well.Very Very low quality product showing quality not send in given order. Plz dont take any product in Shopcules much better filipcart snapdeal amazon.They would lure you with low prices for home appliances including refrigerators and televisions. They price it below other online shopping websites, collect amount from you, and wait for half a month or more before they tell you that the order is cancelled.