Just half an hour ago, I bought a 32gb pendrive fronm this website and again happened the same, money debited but order confirmatioon failed. Now agaiin rrrepeat the same process of emailing customer service and then they will contact you in 2 days then yoour order get confirmed. unneccessary burden & wastage of time.
And this now becoming the reality of shopclues.
And why I am saying this? Because this is not first time, in last 6 months, happened to me.
2 months ago also I got trapped, as I bought a Kodak Smart TV worth 35, 000 Rs. And Transaction failed.
So my friends what I want to convey to you all by sharing my experience is, that If you have some extra time to deal with shopdues Customer care service & you are not in hurry then you can definately give it a try. Otherwise go to Storne other website.
At last decision is alurays yours.