Amazing, superb, fab, fantastic and etc etc etc. Ordered on Wednesday and received it today. That’s really a jaw dropping deal with jaw-dropping delivery when I am ordering a product in heavy discount and receiving it with within 2 days only. Needless to say I am talking about shopclues. Made a purchase of Adidas shower gel from 1508922 in their jaw-dropping deal. I received it in orange color with 50 ml extra. Checked the product very carefully. It is a genuine Adidas shower gel. Well, I already took the bath in the mrng since Sunday, so will surely try it tomorrow because I find the fragrance mind blowing. Shopclues has added a new method of thanking their customer with a note.
That’s nice. Forgot to share, the product is manufacturer in 2012 and it will get expired in 2015 so that means I have all the three years to use it. Hehehe :)