I am one of the sufferer after placing order in ShopClue. My order id is: 40528209. I am giving my order number just to confirm I am a genuine customer and this is not a fake review. I saw all low rating reviews from different customer and thought may be those are the only cases. But I realize I also became a stupid and fool even after reading the low rating reviews and still buying product from ShopClue.
I placed and order and just after 2 days I got the shipment number shipped in safeexpress courier. But when I tried to track that shipment and waybill number, it was not found. Thought may be it will take time. And just after one week I tried to track the shipment and still the same problem. After that I had to call customer care who are very busy. After hanging on the phone after long time then I could speak to them. Finally after 15 days I was able to track the shipment. It means they dint even make shipment and after spoken to customer care my product was shipped. However I think I will get that product at least before 2 months of the order placed. And hope it will be satisfied.
I recommend all, please dont buy anything from ShopClue. They are really stupid and awful. I had never had any issue with FlipKart, eBay and Amazon. But this is purely harassment when you buy from this store. If you see any good review means I think they are from Shopclue and just fake comments.